How we stop Kinder Morgan now

With federal and provincial permits in hand, the Kinder Morgan pipeline is a done deal, right? Wrong. The front-line of the battle to defend our coast from Kinder Morgan has shifted, and we face challenges on our path to victory – but so does Kinder Morgan. Here’s how Kinder Morgan can and will be stopped … Continue reading

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This pipeline shall not pass

Our federal and provincial governments have failed to stand up for the people of BC. We may have seen it coming, but that doesn’t change how it makes us feel. Betrayed. Heartbroken. Angry. Yes, all those things. But most of all, resolute. The people of BC will never let this pipeline be built. We will not … Continue reading

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Local leaders united against Kinder Morgan

At their annual convention in Victoria last week, local government leaders from across the province took the opportunity to speak out against Kinder Morgan. Lower Mainland and Greater Victoria communities have been staunchly opposed to the Kinder Morgan project for years. But last week, they were joined by mayors and councillors from places like Kamloops, Lytton, Grand Forks, Gold River … Continue reading

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Kinder Morgan panel meetings reveal overwhelming opposition

The final numbers are in, and it’s bad news for Kinder Morgan. In the depths of summer, over 1700 British Columbians came out to the federal government’s panel meetings on the Kinder Morgan pipeline and tanker project – and over 91% of speakers were firmly opposed. Speaking passionately and eloquently, from Kamloops to Victoria, determined … Continue reading

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It’s crunch time on Kinder Morgan

Brace yourselves. After three long years, the National Energy Board will issue its recommendation on the Kinder Morgan pipeline later this week. Since the regulator has rubber stamped every oil pipeline it has ever assessed, the NEB is widely expected to recommend a ‘yes’ on Kinder Morgan, with a laundry list of conditions attached. Before … Continue reading

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Is BC’s new spill response law really world-leading?

The provincial government’s new and long-awaited oil spill preparedness bill will soon be debated in the legislature for the first time. The bill is an important step forward, promising new provisions aimed at reducing the tremendous gaps in B.C.’s ability to respond to spills. Although this is good, and much-needed in our province, the bill … Continue reading

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Pipeline review overhaul: what does it mean for Kinder Morgan?

This week the federal government announced an extension to its review of the Kinder Morgan project, which we have all been calling for since the election. The extra steps imposed will include assessing direct and upstream greenhouse gas emissions from the proposed pipeline expansion, talking to affected communities, and carrying out additional consultation with First … Continue reading

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Kinder Morgan hearings: showdown in Burnaby

After two years and thousands of pages of evidence, the final stage of the National Energy Board review of the Kinder Morgan pipeline has arrived, with oral hearings taking place in Burnaby and Calgary this month. It’s a chance for intervenors like GSA to make our case directly to the panel as to why this project should … Continue reading

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All we want for Christmas is… a fair Kinder Morgan hearing

Our new federal government has been sending some mixed signals about what it plans to do about the Kinder Morgan pipeline review. On the campaign trail, Prime Minister Trudeau promised to fix the broken pipeline review process, and redo the Kinder Morgan hearings. Now, on the one hand, Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr is saying that the project won’t have … Continue reading

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A big win for stronger local spill preparedness

Today was a good day. Local government leaders from big cities, small towns and regional districts across BC voted unanimously in favour of strengthening community oil spill preparedness. In a giant meeting room at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Convention, hundreds of our local elected representatives raised their hands and endorsed Resolution A4, calling … Continue reading

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