GSA’s Top Questions this Election Season

Here at Georgia Strait Alliance, we are looking forward to the opportunity to do what we do best – advocating for the health of the Salish Sea and a climate-forward future. We need to make sure that important issues like Indigenous sovereignty, climate action, and marine protection are top of mind among all of the … Continue reading

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“We should all be storytellers.” Meet GSA’s Summer Student, Bayleigh Marelj

Hi folks, I’m Bayleigh Marelj, the Digital Communications and Community Outreach Assistant for Georgia Strait Alliance this summer.   Before I talk about what the Digital Communications and Outreach Assistant means (I know it is a long title), I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself.  My background & the bog By the … Continue reading

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Let’s start at the very beginning: How the cryosphere influences our oceans

My first interaction with the Salish Sea was from several mountainous kilometres away up in St’atm’ic Nation Territory near the Bridge River and its headwaters, the Bridge Glacier. I was six months old when my Mother and my Granny carried me down to waters that would eventually flow into the Fraser River and out to … Continue reading

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Happy National Volunteer Week 2020!

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization, and we wouldn’t be able to do our work without them! Volunteers dedicate their time, knowledge, and talents to our organization in a variety of ways, from helping share information about Southern Resident orcas at our outreach tables, to coordinating kayakers and other activities at our Water’s Edge … Continue reading

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Environmental assessment finds Roberts Bank project will impact endangered orcas

The panel responsible for the environmental assessment of the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) project publicly released their recommendations earlier today, which conclude that the development will result in a “significant adverse effect” on endangered Southern Resident orcas and several other at-risk marine species. The report also concludes that the proposed development has the … Continue reading

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Your wastewater is polluting the Salish Sea

“MY wastewater?!?”, you might be thinking. It’s true. Anything that runs down the drains of your sinks, showers, washing machines, dishwashers and toilets becomes wastewater. Personal and industrial use of items that contain complex, and sometimes harmful, chemicals means that wastewater contains a myriad of compounds including plastics, heavy metals, nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, … Continue reading

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Climate Accountability Means Communities of Care: Meet GSA’s Newest Organizer

Hey everyone! My name is Gillian Der and I am so excited to be jumping into this role as community organizer on GSA’s municipal climate accountability efforts. I am looking forward to campaigning to support community members in asking their municipalities around the Salish Sea to send letters to the top 20 carbon producers, holding … Continue reading

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Climate action matters

We are united because we’re living in the beginning of the climate crisis. Together, we are in a collective darkening moment because we’ve operated by the rules that we were given. But now it’s time for a change: corporations, consumers, and decision makers need to define new rules that provide the framework that we all … Continue reading

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