Climate accountability and fiscal responsibility

Multi-year summer droughts. Forest fire smoke turning the sun orange. Winter storms increasing erosion of the shoreline. Coastal communities may not face the same dramatic climate impacts as interior residents driven out by wildfires and flooding, but even here the impacts are becoming evident. Climate change is probably the single, biggest threat to the health … Continue reading

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Apex Predators and a Healthy Planet

Large predators often get a bad rap in terms of public outlook and opinion. Large predators in both marine and terrestrial environments has often been one of fear, misunderstanding, and misinformation. It was not until recently that public opinion on orcas began to change from one of a negative monstrous creatures to one of intelligent … Continue reading

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From Machine Guns to Save-the-Whales

A History of Human and Orca Interactions In June 1961, the Department of Fisheries mounted a .50 caliber machine-gun overlooking Seymour Narrows, northwest of Campbell River, with the intent to shoot and kill passing orcas. Deemed a threat to commercial and recreational fishing, killer whales were known in the Pacific Northwest as, at best, dangerous … Continue reading

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The history and how to change the future for orcas

We hope you’ve enjoyed the blogs we’ve shared during Orca Awareness Month, where we’ve been discussing the three major threats to the southern residents: Prey Abundance and Availability (lack of Chinook salmon) Noise Pollution Toxic Contamination In this blog, we outline a bit of the history of orcas in the Pacific Northwest, and share how … Continue reading

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Toxic Waters – Toxic Food

As we continue to celebrate Orca Awareness Month, we acknowledge how lucky we are to live in an area where these amazing whales roam the waters we share. In our previous blogs, we have been discussing the major threats to the survival and recovery of the southern resident orcas, including: low food availability (chinook salmon), … Continue reading

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Power and possibility ahead, as BC sits in political limbo

Well, election night came and went – but the election isn’t over! What a strange feeling –  for the leaders and the candidates, for all the volunteers who worked so hard in the run up to voting day, and for everyone who stayed up way too late on election night – all of us waiting … Continue reading

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