Celebrating Canada’s Newest and Largest Marine Protected Area Established Through Indigenous Partnerships

On June 19, 2024, Canada reached a significant milestone with the designation of its largest Marine Protected Area (MPA), Tang.ɢ̱wan – ḥačxʷiqak – Tsig̱is (TḥT) MPA. Located approximately 150 kilometers off the west coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, this new MPA covers 133,017 km², representing around 2.3% of Canada’s ocean territory. The establishment … Continue reading

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The Struggle Continues to Remove Fish Farms from BC Waters

At GSA, we have been considering two significant and very recent developments (both transpiring in June 2024) regarding open net-pen fish farms: The hard-fought victory of fish farms remaining shut in the Discovery Islands, which was possible only with the leadership and stewardship of First Nations. The federal government extending its timeline by four additional … Continue reading

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Reconciling Canada Day

Every year, Canada Day offers a compelling and instructive period of reflection. As a conservation organization that has committed to the pathway of environmental justice and the hard and necessary work this entails, we are grappling with what a holiday like today means. We are on the heels of National Indigenous Peoples day. I think … Continue reading

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My journey into relationship with Cowichan Tribes

As someone who is displaced from their homelands, I personally have a lot to learn about how to live here in a good way from Indigenous Nations. I was lucky enough to be together in person recently with staff from Cowichan Tribes’ Lulumexun Department. I’m feeling the gravity of it all. I’m feeling humble. And … Continue reading

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Get ready for Whale Blitz 2024: Land-Based Whale Watching for Conservation!

Join fellow whale enthusiasts for this all-ages, family-friendly event in observing wild marine mammals and playing your part in conservation efforts! For the third consecutive year, Ocean Wise will be hosting a Whale Blitz across British Columbia from July 13-17. Whale Blitzes offer a unique opportunity to see whales in their natural habitat while also … Continue reading

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Generation Restoration

For this year’s World Environment Day, the theme is Generation Restoration. As humanity strives to restore balance and harmony to the earth in a race against the destructive forces of rampant colonialism and an economic system that prioritizes greed, exploitation, and infinite growth over sustainable futures, this day serves as a reminder that we cannot … Continue reading

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Give the brush off to aquatic invasive species

As boaters, we can unknowingly be responsible for spreading aquatic invasive species that can cause tremendous damage to local waterways and ecosystems. One of the most unwanted species in the world – the European green crab – is prevalent in Canadian and U.S. waters. Boaters can sometimes transport these crabs during the crabs’ multi-month larval … Continue reading

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What is marine planning?

Marine planning comes in many forms. At its core, it’s a way that coastal communities, Indigenous nations, industry, and all those who use the ocean can engage in the planning for its management and protection in a way that balances competing ecological, economic, cultural and social uses for the ocean, and that includes coastal areas. … Continue reading

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5 Opportunities Destined for Marine Action in 2024

Reflection isn’t uncommon during these winter months, particularly as one calendar year transforms into the next. At GSA, our thoughts are drawn to five memorable moments that are likely to see some threats to the Salish Sea addressed in 2024. In these moments, oceans are working harder than ever, trying to absorb more and more … Continue reading

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A big biodiversity threat

Opposition is strong against the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project – and it’s getting stronger. Opposition against the destructive RBT2 project was reinvigorated and renewed in late September when the Province of B.C. granted its environmental approval. The rationale was weak: the project will move forward regardless of what the Province does because most of … Continue reading

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