Meet our summer community organizers!

Look out for our Assistant Community Organizers, who are out in communities across the Salish Sea this summer! You’ll likely see them at events and public spaces across the Indigenous territories of the Salish Sea, particularly in so-called East Vancouver, Richmond, Snuneymuxw/Nanaimo & West Vancouver. They will share information about GSA’s work, and have conversations … Continue reading

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Meet Ambre Comeau, GSA’s Orca Action Month Volunteer!

Growing up, I had spent most of my childhood outside exploring the natural world, reading my collection of National Geographic magazines, as well as encyclopedias on North American plants, animals, and insects. My parents always encouraged this curiosity and helped to nurture it by gifting me microscopes, bug catching nets, and models of animal anatomy … Continue reading

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UNDRIP & the Environmental Movement

Do you know the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and why it is crucial to the environmental movement? Adopted in 2007, UNDRIP is an international legal document that affirms the rights of Indigenous peoples and constitutes the minimum standards for their survival, dignity and well-being. Canada initially voted against endorsing … Continue reading

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Interview with Karlo Kowalczyk, CEO of Restore Human

One of our newest organizational partners is Restore Human, a movement studio that incorporates (re-)connecting with nature as a core piece of its physical literacy training. Founder and CEO, Karlo Kowalczyk, donates a portion of his company’s revenue to GSA through 1% for the Planet. _________________________ 1. How did you hear about GSA? “Through my … Continue reading

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How is the GSA Team marking September 30?

GSA staff is taking the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to continue learning about the atrocities enacted by the Canadian state and perpetrated by Canadian society towards Indigenous peoples and communities that continue happening today. People on our staff will be (re)reading, reflecting and discussing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)’s … Continue reading

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Introducing community organizer Gil

Hey all, My name’s Gil – and when pronounced in Spanish the “G” sounds like you are saying “Hill” with a hard emphasis on the “H.” I’ve just recently joined GSA along with Dana Taylor as a community organizer. As you can tell from my name, I am an uninvited guest on the territories of … Continue reading

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Meet Dana, GSA’s new community organizer

Hi Everyone, My name is Dana Taylor and I am one of GSA’s new community organizers! I’m looking forward to developing a long-term community organizing plan for GSA.  But first let me tell you a little bit about myself. I moved out West from Ontario about a year and a half ago, but thanks to … Continue reading

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Story of Plastic Screening & Panel Discussion

This winter, we teamed up with Asparagus Magazine to co-present The Story of Plastic film by Deia Schlosberg, which exposes the plastic industry’s environmental, climate, justice, and health impacts on both a global and local scale. After the film, we hosted a panel discussion featuring local experts on the plastic and climate crisis. For those … Continue reading

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