Clean Boating hits the docks!

Mitchell O’Brien, our Clean Marine BC Assistant, dock walks with a Clean Boater Kit at False Creek Fishermen’s Wharf. Photo: Michelle Young.
We’re very excited to have staff and volunteers connecting with boaters where ever they gather. So watch for us walking the docks, at boat shows, boat launches, yacht clubs, and other boating clubs during the boating season.
We’ll be handing out our Clean Boater Kit full of spill supplies, and great clean boater information including our Guide to Clean Boating, and more. We will also be asking boaters about their awareness of important topics like current Southern Resident Killer Whale protection measures affecting boaters, how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, and how to report a spill if one happens.
Is this something you’d like to get involved with?
We’re currently looking for volunteers to help! Do you have an interest in boating, and want to help boaters minimize their impact on the waters we all love? Then we have an opportunity for you to become one of GSA’s dock walkers!
Sign up to be a dock walker>
What's a dock walker?
Other ways to get involved:
- Contact us if you’d like more information, or are interested in having Clean Boater Kits distributed at your club or marina.
- Fill out our Clean Boater Survey to get your free Clean Boater Kit mailed to you!
- Donate, and your contribution will go towards the cost of our Clean Boater Kits so that we can continue to distribute them to boaters like you.
See you down at the docks!
Our Dock Walking program has been adapted from California State Parks and California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean and Green Program, and The Bay Foundation.