Fish farm diesel spill a sucker-punch to the gut

To know me is to know my passion for the environment, and especially the ocean. In my personal life, and through my work with Georgia Strait Alliance, I have dedicated myself primarily to two environmental issues closest to my heart: removing harmful open net-cage salmon farms from wild salmon migration routes, and protecting the ocean from … Continue reading

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The power of hope

It feels just a little bit brighter. The elections results of October 19th have brought to an end a period of great darkness for civil society.  If that sounds melodramatic, I can tell you from direct experience it is not. Deemed enemies of the state, attacked, tied up in administrative burdens so we could be … Continue reading

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A tale of inaction – signifying nothing good for the orca

The news we received last week was troubling.  A young female southern resident orca was found dead in the Strait, the 4th death in a year for a population that now only numbers 77 individuals. Today we found out that this orca was pregnant with a full-term fetus and the bad news is doubled. Photo: … Continue reading

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