Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.
Harbour Authority of Salt Spring Island eco-certifies all eight facilities
Image by Chris Boulsbee. The Harbour Authority of Salt Spring Island has certified all eight of its facilities in Clean Marine BC, an eco-certification program that supports boating facilities to make improvements that benefit the marine environment and also extend to business operations. The eight facilities, located around Salt Spring Island, have all achieved four-anchor ratings…
Read more »Georgia Strait Alliance responds to new TMX conditions
Image by Jennie Wyatt. Yesterday, the Province of B.C. released the long-awaited new Environmental Assessment conditions for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. In response, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Energy Campaigner Andrew Radzik said: “The new conditions – to study the human health impacts of an oil spill and the collection of baseline data for B.C. shorelines in…
Read more »North and West Vancouver boat clubs are newest to eco-boating program
Burrard Yacht Club’s eagle platform. Image by Chris-Boulsbee North Vancouver’s Burrard Yacht Club and West Vancouver’s Hollyburn Sailing Club are the newest certified members of Clean Marine BC, Georgia Strait Alliance’s eco-certification program that supports recreational boating facilities to reduce the impact of their operations on Burrard Inlet, the Salish Sea and beyond. Clean Marine BC…
Read more »Regulatory Charge (fee) for Vessel Remediation Fund
GSA view on proposed Transport Canada fund
Transport Canada Let’s Talk Transportation online submission Re: Regulatory Charge (Fee) Proposal for Vessel Remediation Fund We’d like to acknowledge the great progress that has been made in recent years by the Government of Canada in addressing the problem of wrecked, abandoned and hazardous vessels. As a charitable organization that works to protect and restore the marine environment and promote…
Read more »New analysis finds the BC climate plan still lags behind Pacific Coast neighbours
Since 2010, B.C. has experienced a 10.7% increase in emissions, which is considered to be very high. The Province’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions inventory shows that in the first year of data available under CleanBC, emissions continued to rise, and the federal inventory shows that they are rising faster than the national average. Last week, the B.C. Government released…
Read more »GSA responds to CleanBC: a climate roadmap going nowhere
Image by Gerd Altmann, Pixaby. Andrew Radzik, Energy Campaigner at Georgia Strait Alliance, responds to the Province’s CleanBC Roadmap announced today, saying: “People across BC felt the climate crisis this year. Hundreds died during the Heat Dome event, thousands were evacuated due to wildfires, and hundreds of thousands faced choking smoke. We desperately need a bold…
Read more »Environmental organizations, scientist, back in court to keep open-net fish farms out of Discovery Islands
Image by Province of B.C. Ecojustice lawyers are back in court this week and next to support former Fisheries and Oceans Minister Bernadette Jordan’s decision to phase out salmon farms in B.C.’s Discovery Islands by June 2022. Ecojustice is representing the David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Living Oceans Society, Watershed Watch, and independent biologist Alexandra Morton. Starting today, October 19, the court…
Read more »DFO’s engagement report on transitioning from open-net pen fish farms: Georgia Strait Alliance responds
Today, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) released a summary of its engagement findings regarding the federal government’s commitment to transition open-net pen fish farms in waters off the coast of B.C. to closed-containment facilities on land by 2025. In response, the Executive Director of Georgia Strait Alliance Christianne Wilhelmson, says: “We appreciate that DFO has shared their engagement…
Read more »GSA responds to federal court dismissal of aquaculture operator injunction
Image by David Stanley, Flickr. Today, a federal court dismissed an injunction request from aquaculture operator Cermaq, which sought to reverse the decision by Fisheries and Oceans Minister Bernadette Jordan to negate two transfer applications that would restock farmed fish at Cermaq facilities in the Discovery Islands. In response to today’s decision, the Executive Director of…
Read more »Georgia Strait Alliance responds to judge ruling in favour of allowing restocking of three fish farms in the Discovery Islands
Image by Bureau of Land Management. Yesterday, the Federal Court ruled in favour of the two fish farm operators seeking an injunction to allow the continued stocking of farmed Atlantic salmon into open net-pens in three fish farms in the Discovery Islands. Georgia Strait Alliance was an intervenor in the judicial review in late March, as…
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