Canada’s Ocean Noise Strategy: Silencing the Marine Mayhem​ (or not)

A three-year delay A three-year delay to release the Government’s proposed Ocean Noise Strategy (ONS) has finally come to an end. Originally intended to be proposed in 2021, the ONS draft was released on August 23, 2024. This Strategy ​has ​been built on previously existing initiatives such as the ​Species at Risk​​​ A​​ct​​, Marine Mammal … Continue reading

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Celebrating Canada’s Newest and Largest Marine Protected Area Established Through Indigenous Partnerships

On June 19, 2024, Canada reached a significant milestone with the designation of its largest Marine Protected Area (MPA), Tang.ɢ̱wan – ḥačxʷiqak – Tsig̱is (TḥT) MPA. Located approximately 150 kilometers off the west coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, this new MPA covers 133,017 km², representing around 2.3% of Canada’s ocean territory. The establishment … Continue reading

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BC Headed in the Right Direction with New Coastal Marine Strategy!

Have you heard the good news? On July 11th, 2024, the Government of BC released its province-wide Coastal Marine Strategy (CMS) four years after committing to developing one. As one of the only coastal regions in North America without a comprehensive strategy to protect coastal and marine areas, this is a moment that GSA has … Continue reading

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What is marine planning?

Marine planning comes in many forms. At its core, it’s a way that coastal communities, Indigenous nations, industry, and all those who use the ocean can engage in the planning for its management and protection in a way that balances competing ecological, economic, cultural and social uses for the ocean, and that includes coastal areas. … Continue reading

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