Reconciling Canada Day

Every year, Canada Day offers a compelling and instructive period of reflection. As a conservation organization that has committed to the pathway of environmental justice and the hard and necessary work this entails, we are grappling with what a holiday like today means. We are on the heels of National Indigenous Peoples day. I think … Continue reading

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A big biodiversity threat

Opposition is strong against the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project – and it’s getting stronger. Opposition against the destructive RBT2 project was reinvigorated and renewed in late September when the Province of B.C. granted its environmental approval. The rationale was weak: the project will move forward regardless of what the Province does because most of … Continue reading

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New hope on the horizon for these endangered orcas

In June we celebrated Orca Action Month and in the last couple of weeks we got some good news for the Southern Resident orca population and we wanted to share our excitement with you! There are two new calves in Lpod! On Friday, June 30, the Centre for Whale Research confirmed that there are two … Continue reading

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Bigger buffer zone for orcas, but not in Canada

Washington State signed new legislation that requires boats to keep 914 metres from orcas, more than doubling the current requirement, beginning in January 2025. Unfortunately, Canada isn’t following suit. Originally published in PostMedia’s The Province on May 18. Endangered southern resident orcas are on the verge of getting a lot more space, but not if … Continue reading

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