GSA statement on B.C.’s “climate gap” nearly doubling

On Wednesday, the Provincial government released its 2020 Climate Change Accountability Report. It shows that B.C. is far from meeting its legally-mandated 2030 climate goal. A major reason is because the oil and gas industry in B.C. now emits more climate pollution than all other industries in the province combined, while other industrial sectors have reduced their emissions. In response,…

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B.C. Government breaks promise on key climate deadline

Image by Unsplash. The Province of British Columbia has missed its own deadline to complete the CleanBC plan, another in a long string of broken promises on climate action. The government had promised to unveil additional climate actions to meet its 2030 target by December 5, 2020. Despite Premier Horgan’s repeated assurances that Liquefied Natural Gas…

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Seismic survey threatens endangered whales

Image by Rachael Merrett. As the oceans become quieter amidst the global pandemic, an application for seismic surveys off the West Coast of Vancouver Island threatens the recovery of endangered Southern Resident killer whales. This week, in response, a coalition of conservation groups has written to the federal minister of Fisheries and Oceans to inform her…

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GSA responds to TMX decision by the Federal Court of Appeal

Photo credit: Carla Hunt. Today, the Federal Court of Appeal released its decision regarding six challenges made by the Coldwater Indian Band, the Squamish Nation, the Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribes, and the Tsleil-Waututh Nation regarding consultation with Indigenous communities affected by the Trans Mountain project following the project’s second approval by the federal government last June. In response,…

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Emergency Management laws in B.C. must address climate costs, say organizations and academics

B.C. is not doing enough to investigate, prepare for, and protect taxpayers from the looming costs of climate change, say 25 B.C.-based organizations and four leading academics. In a submission to the B.C. government’s consultation on emergency management legislation, the groups are calling on the Province to better incorporate the increasing financial costs expected to prepare for, respond to and…

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B.C. strengthens Climate Accountability Act

Increased accountability measures, but targets don’t align with the best climate science

Today the B.C. government has introduced significant changes to the Climate Change Accountability Act, an important series of reforms to the way we fight climate change in B.C. “B.C. is establishing strong planning and reporting requirements for its actions to fight climate change,” said Andrew Radzik, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Energy Campaigner. “These will demonstrate in detail what is being done…

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Vancouver votes to demand accountability from global fossil fuel companies

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay. Today, Vancouver City Council voted 7-4 to take a series of actions demanding that global fossil fuel companies share in the climate change costs incurred by the City.  Vancouver becomes the 24th community in B.C. to take such action to ensure that their costs are shared with international fossil fuel…

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Federal govt chooses Trans Mountain over climate action, orcas, coastal communities

Image by TheoRivierenlaan from Pixabay. In response to today’s decision by the federal government to approve the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Executive Director Christianne Wilhelmson said: “Today’s decision isn’t surprising, unfortunately. Federal approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion prioritizes fossil fuel products, which we know are destabilizing our climate as…

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