GSA’s Top Questions this Election Season

The BC provinical election is October 24, 2020

Here at Georgia Strait Alliance, we are looking forward to the opportunity to do what we do best – advocating for the health of the Salish Sea and a climate-forward future. We need to make sure that important issues like Indigenous sovereignty, climate action, and marine protection are top of mind among all of the parties this election season. That’s why we identified this list of priority questions that we hope all of the parties will address during this campaign season.

We’ve asked the parties running in this election about some of the most important issues on our coast: their stance on a coastal strategy and law, fossil fuel subsidies, Indigenous Guardian programs, plastics and contaminants, and fish farms. Find out what they said here.

Coastal Protection Act

Question: If elected, will you (your party) commit to the development and implementation of a BC Coastal Strategy and Law in the coming term?


If elected, how will your government deal with this economically and environmentally unsustainable industry?


If elected, how will your government support the long term viability and expansion of Indigenous Guardians programs in BC?


If elected, will your government take definitive action to transition B.C.’s open-net pen salmon farms to land-based closed containment operations, such as discontinuing open-net pen fish farm tenures, as soon as possible?


If elected, will your government fund tertiary wastewater treatment upgrades for communities surrounding the Salish Sea?

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