Reconciling Canada Day

Every year, Canada Day offers a compelling and instructive period of reflection. As a conservation organization that has committed to the pathway of environmental justice and the hard and necessary work this entails, we are grappling with what a holiday like today means. We are on the heels of National Indigenous Peoples day. I think … Continue reading

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My journey into relationship with Cowichan Tribes

As someone who is displaced from their homelands, I personally have a lot to learn about how to live here in a good way from Indigenous Nations. I was lucky enough to be together in person recently with staff from Cowichan Tribes’ Lulumexun Department. I’m feeling the gravity of it all. I’m feeling humble. And … Continue reading

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Get ready for Whale Blitz 2024: Land-Based Whale Watching for Conservation!

Join fellow whale enthusiasts for this all-ages, family-friendly event in observing wild marine mammals and playing your part in conservation efforts! For the third consecutive year, Ocean Wise will be hosting a Whale Blitz across British Columbia from July 13-17. Whale Blitzes offer a unique opportunity to see whales in their natural habitat while also … Continue reading

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New hope on the horizon for these endangered orcas

In June we celebrated Orca Action Month and in the last couple of weeks we got some good news for the Southern Resident orca population and we wanted to share our excitement with you! There are two new calves in Lpod! On Friday, June 30, the Centre for Whale Research confirmed that there are two … Continue reading

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Boater Survey Results

How much do recreational boaters know about clean boating regulations? As part of our Clean Marine BC program, nearly 200 recreational boaters participated in a survey to test their knowledge about clean and safe boating – and the results surprised us in good, and not-so-good, ways. The good news is that most respondents know to … Continue reading

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