BC Headed in the Right Direction with New Coastal Marine Strategy!

Sunset over Whyte Cliff, West Vancouver, with ferry leaving the terminal in the background. Image Daniel Avram

Have you heard the good news? On July 11th, 2024, the Government of BC released its province-wide Coastal Marine Strategy (CMS) four years after committing to developing one. As one of the only coastal regions in North America without a comprehensive strategy to protect coastal and marine areas, this is a moment that GSA has been eagerly awaiting! GSA has had the privilege of being part of this comprehensive process, and with the CMS now in place, we are thrilled that the Government of BC will be better equipped to keep the ocean healthy and communities thriving.

The Strategy encompasses four major themes, nine goals, and 24 actions that will span the next 20 years.

Key Highlights:

  • Four major themes: healthy coastal marine ecosystems, resilience to climate change, thriving coastal economies and communities, and informed governance
  • Important topics such as Indigenous food sovereignty, salmon survival, marine pollution, jobs in the ocean sector, and recovery of species at risk
  • Strong collaboration with First Nations governments from day one. The Strategy’s actions mirror many of the priorities and values of these Nations while continuing to support Indigenous-led stewardship and conservation programs
  • A focus on an interconnected lens throughout this work, which is important when dealing with complex challenges such as maintaining a balance between ocean uses and conservation.

While the Strategy is certainly a major step in the right direction, there is still room for improvement. For instance, there is currently no legal framework in place to hold the government accountable for the actions that are mentioned. A strategy, after all, is not legislation. The intentions of the CMS are great, but there is a critical next step missing in this plan: to transform this work into legislated policy and commit to this vibrant future.

As an example, there are no new measures mentioned for the protection of Southern Resident Killer Whales—something that is severely needed. The report states that the Provincial Government will continue to work with partners to achieve improved outcomes for species at risk. GSA will continue to push for better measures for not only the orcas but for the Salish Sea as a whole.

Ultimately, we see the Coastal Marine Strategy as a formalization of a lot of work that organizations like GSA have been striving towards for decades. For that, we must celebrate. It is also important to recognize that this is just one step along the way, and that the release of this Strategy does not mean that our work here is done. Implementation for this 20-year Strategy will take time and effort in the form of continued pressure from GSA and our allies, continued Indigenous leadership, and the thoughts and advocacy of those who live in and around the Salish Sea—including people like you!

Galiano Island panorama image by James Wheeler

This is the start of something big, and we need all hands on deck to make this Strategy as powerful as possible. Please take a read of the Strategy, let us know what you think, and look out for more from GSA on this huge milestone! We have a lot of plans for continuing momentum on this important process, and we want to ensure that this work is done with and for communities.

Onwards and forwards towards a better, more resilient future.

Image (top): Daniel Avram
Image (bottom): James Wheeler

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