Karlo Kowalczyk, founder and CEO of Restore Human
One of our newest organizational partners is Restore Human, a movement studio that incorporates (re-)connecting with nature as a core piece of its physical literacy training. Founder and CEO, Karlo Kowalczyk, donates a portion of his company’s revenue to GSA through 1% for the Planet.
1. How did you hear about GSA?
“Through my mother-in-law who is the executive director of a local foundation. Truthfully, I hadn’t heard of GSA before and so it was really illuminating to have a chat with Christianne Wilhelmson (who is GSA’s Executive Director) and learn about all the magic of the Salish Sea and its biodiversity.”
2. What do you like about GSA?
“We definitely see the need for being local and really understanding our local area. This concept of bio-regionalism is very important for us. And people’s connection to the biosphere is really good for their health – it behooves their own health. Being aligned with GSA is really great for us to let our clients and our community know about an organization that is working to support the health and wellbeing of this area and coastal communities.”
3. How would you describe GSA?
“I would mention how there are a lot of things we don’t know about our local area and GSA is part of the fight of cutting through the noise and getting information to people and building awareness. It’s great that we have this locally-focussed organization: If you live here, get in touch with this organization!”
4. What do you have planned for 2022?
“This year, we’re launching Restore Human Adventures to offer adventures in the Georgia Strait region and adjoining areas to help our client base see the connection to what they do at home and in the studio in a physical literacy way and how that really transfers to the outdoors.”
Being outdoors in nature fuels good human health, physically and mentally, and the marine and climate work that GSA does has a role in that. Bridging this connection between our health and resilience and that of our environment, is what will allow us to create new pathways and relationships to create the world we want to live in.
If you are a business owner, and if you are drawn to giving back, consider joining the 1% for the Planet program (or creating your own charitable program) and supporting a cause close to your heart and aligned with your business’ mission. Check out our Corporate Giving page for more information and get in contact with us to make a gift on behalf of your enterprise: gsa@georgiastrait.org