Last Saturday night we showed Vancouver our wild side, and girl, it was worth it!

Photo credit: Cathy Booler
Over 80 people showed up at a specially haunted Russian Hall to play a game of mystery and intrigue… Bingo! Our host extraordinaire, dazzling artist Kyle Loven, won everyone over with his humour and charisma. Beer and cider flowed in from both sides of the Salish Sea, thanks to Lighthouse Brewing Co. from Victoria and Geo Cider Co. from Squamish.
Surprises abounded — who indeed was that ghost? — including a fantastic grand raffle prize from Harbour Air, and bingo prizes from Fanny Bay Oyster Bar & Shellfish Market, the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Museum of Anthropology, the Vancouver Maritime Museum, Vancouver Farmers’ Market, Saul Good Gift Co., Tega Tea, as well as other fun Hallowe’en-themed prizes.
All of our silent auction items were bid on, thanks to fabulous prizes donated by the Vancouver Canucks, eco-conscious outdoor retailers Arc’Teryx and Patagonia, Chambar Restaurant, Deep Cove Kayak Centre, Nature’s Path, Vancouver Maritime Museum and Long Table Distillery. We collected nearly $1,000 with these prizes alone!
It was a unique fundraiser, raising over $4400, and also a reminder that everyday actions do make a difference for the Salish Sea — like voting, educating oneself, fighting misinformation, and spending time with friends. The GSA team loved getting together too — including celebrating the birthday of the President of our Board of Directors, Lesli Boldt!
“Me Love BINGO! was a playful way to get the Georgia Strait Alliance community out together to talk about what GSA does and why we do it… and have a bit of fun too,” shares Tessa Danelesko, Species Protection Coordinator.