Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.

Government is Failing to Protect Wild Salmon from Salmon Farms

Confirms Auditor General report; conservation groups agree

Vancouver—Today, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Julie Gelfand, made it clear that Fisheries and Oceans Canada is not doing enough to monitor and manage the salmon farming industry to protect wild fish and their ecosystems. “This is more evidence that DFO is failing to protect BC wild salmon,” said Stan Proboszcz of Watershed Watch. “The audit highlights…

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Community-business-Indigenous leaders launch ‘Declaration in Defence of Wild Salmon’

Asks BC-ers to support removal of open net-pen fish farms

Today in Vancouver, a diverse group of B.C. community, Indigenous, and business leaders announced the launch of the “Declaration in Defence of Wild Salmon”. The declaration seeks to draw together the growing number of voices calling on the B.C. government to take action on salmon farming by refusing to renew fish farm leases when they expire in June, 2018. The…

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Conservation groups put ministers on notice over Southern Resident killer whale protections

Without action, extinction is near

VANCOUVER – Conservation groups are putting Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna and Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc on notice as the groups race to secure protection for endangered Southern Resident killer whales. In an April 4 letter sent on behalf of David Suzuki Foundation, Georgia Strait Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council, Raincoast Conservation Foundation and…

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Washington State Phases Out Salmon Farms

BC Groups congratulate Governor Inslee on signing the bill into law today

VANCOUVER: BC groups hailed the move by Washington State today to phase out salmon farming in State waters at the conclusion of current leases. The Bill, passed by both houses of government, was signed into law by Governor Inslee this morning. “It was a victory for the precautionary principle,” said Stan Proboszcz of Watershed Watch Salmon Society. “There are just…

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Georgia Strait Alliance releases first-ever State of the Waterfront Report for Vancouver

There is a significant gap in the city’s waterfront planning

Vancouver, BC — Vancouver’s waterfront, which spans from saltwater in Burrard Inlet to freshwater in the Fraser River, is showing the stresses of a shoreline that lacks a comprehensive approach to considering the sustainability and accessibility of waterfront areas throughout the city. Georgia Strait Alliance, a regional marine conservation non-profit, has measured and tracked five key trends that demonstrate the…

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Deadline passes for protection of endangered orcas

Federal ministers fail to issue emergency order by conservation groups’ March 1 deadline

VANCOUVER – Conservation groups are calling for “urgent, enforceable action” to protect endangered orcas after federal ministers failed to recommend emergency protections by a March 1 deadline. “We’ve been informed that Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna are not prepared to make a decision about a recommendation at this time,…

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Local businesses boost their bottom line with a healthy marine environment

Do most local businesses depend on marine habitat? The answer might be surprising

At first glance, it might not be apparent that many local businesses rely heavily on the unique waterways of British Columbia’s South Coast, but in fact thriving waterfront economies play a big role in everything from retail to trades. BC’s South Coast cities and towns are established provincial, national and international destinations to live, visit and vacation, with people drawn…

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Groups urge federal government to protect Southern Resident killer whales

Calling on the Ministers to recommend Cabinet issue an emergency order

A coalition of conservation groups from Canada and the U.S. is calling on the Canadian government to take immediate action to protect Southern Resident killer whales. Today, Ecojustice sent a petition to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc and Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna on Tuesday, requesting the Ministers recommend Cabinet issue an emergency order under…

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Province proposes restrictions on increased bitumen transport

Georgia Strait Alliance commends measures as needed protection for coastal communities and local waters

Today, the Province announced five possible new regulations aimed at protecting our region from the threats of transporting bitumen and heavy oil. Included is the intention, that while a Science Panel conducts research into the unique properties and behaviour of bitumen, that the Province will restrict increases in the transport of this substance. In response, Christianne Wilhelmson, Executive Director of…

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Study links virus in wild salmon to fish farm exposure and stock decline

On December 13, 2017 the journal of Public Library of Science One published research that indicates the percentage of wild salmon infected with piscine reovirus (PRV) is much higher in wild salmon exposed to fish farms in BC than wild salmon not exposed to them. Christianne Wilhelmson, Executive Director of Georgia Strait Alliance, made the following statement in response: “This…

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