Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.
Letter to Editors on Proposed Vessel Sewage Regulations
To the Editors: Pacific Yachting, Mariner Life, Fisherman Life and Boats & Places Magazines, August, 2006 Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) applauds the intent by Transport Canada to help clean up our coastal waters through the proposed updated pollution prevention regulations of the Canada Shipping Act. With over 3 million people living, working and playing on and around Georgia Strait it is…
Read more »The Poop On Raw Sewage
Reprinted from the Victoria Times Colonist, Sun 07 Aug 2005
Byline: Stephen Salter The numbers still stagger me. About 100,000 tonnes of raw sewage every day. Forty square kilometres closed to shellfish harvesting. The seabed contaminated with heavy metals. Sewage on the ocean surface eight months a year, and surface fecal coliform levels 17 times above Canadian guidelines (windsurfers, take note). Victoria is the last Canadian city without plans for…
Read more »Stop Postponing the Inevitable
Times Colonist Friday, July 18, 2003 We’re disappointed that the Times Colonist has thrown its weight behind the outdated and dangerous myth that Victoria has a “natural, efficient way of dealing with [its] waste” (“That 1,000 grams of PCBs,” July 12). It’s appalling enough that in the 21st century, a major urban center continues to dump raw sewage and storm…
Read more »Let’s pay now, not later, to stop fouling the ocean
by Christianne Wilhelmson Opinion Editorial published in the Times-Colonist, January 24, 2003 “It’s too costly”, “[It] looks expensive”, “Make sure it’s cost effective”. The lines above caught my eye as I read about the proposal to upgrade the region’s septic field monitoring system (CRD may police septic fields, January 9). It’s encouraging to see that the CRD wants to protect…
Read more »BC government’s misuse of science condemned
NANAIMO, 21 APRIL 2002: The BC government’s misuse of science was condemned today in an open letter to Minister of Water, Land, and Air Protection Joyce Murray. The letter was signed by well over 100 organizations, scientists, and concerned individuals, including representatives from labour, environmental, First Nations, and social justice groups. “The government is manipulating science, even silencing scientists, to…
Read more »Georgia Strait Alliance receives national boating award
In a gala presentation last night in Toronto, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Mike Richards accepted the Canadian Safe Boating Award (CASBA) for the Best Environmental Campaign, 2001. Richards coordinates the Green Boating Program for the BC-based Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA), a non-profit organization that works to protect the marine environment of the Strait of Georgia (the waters between Vancouver Island and…
Read more »Nightmare in New Brunswick: A Lesson for BC
A Report by the Friends of Clayoquot Sound April, 1998
Introduction British Columbia is at a crossroads. For thousands of years wild salmon have been a central part of life on the West Coast. Under pressure from continued habitat loss and overfishing, however, the future of wild salmon is now in question. Salmon farmers have responded with promises of endless crops of farmed salmon and hundreds of jobs for coastal…
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