Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.

U.S. Government is forced to list Orca population as threatened

Festive news for imperilled Killer Whales December 16, 2004 VANCOUVER, BC – Canadian conservation groups are overjoyed by today’s announcement by the U.S. Federal government to list the Southern Resident population of Killer whales (Orcinus orca) under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA). Last year Sierra Legal, the Georgia Strait Alliance and the Western Canada Wilderness Committee joined their American…

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Backgrounder: Canadian groups intervene to save Killer Whales

Aug. 22, 2006 Killer Whale Facts Orcas, also known as Killer Whales, are actually members of the dolphin family.  Orcas are highly intelligent and are the highest predators in the food chain. Orcas live in matriarchal units comprised of a mother and one or more of her offspring. These units congregate into larger social groups known as pods. Biologists classify…

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Canadian groups intervene to save Killer Whales

US Court to hear Canadian views on Endangered Southern Resident Orcas Media Release August 22, 2006 VANCOUVER, BC – The US Federal Court ruled last Friday that it will grant Canadian environmental groups the right to participate in a lawsuit brought by industry groups. The industry groups are challenging the American government’s decision to protect the Southern Resident Orcas as…

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First Nations, Other Groups Unite on Fish Farm Concerns

(Nanaimo, Jan. 21, 1997) As the public review that may determine the future of salmon farming in BC enters its final phase, representatives of virtually all sectors other than government agencies, salmon farming and related industries have come out strongly in favour of sweeping changes for the industry in BC. “This review could have profound implications for resource users up…

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Expert findings Confirm Fish Farm Concerns

Mar. 20, 1997 (Nanaimo) After seven months of meetings, public submissions, scientific research and review of the available evidence, the final version of the technical papers produced for BC’s Salmon Aquaculture Review (SAR) validate the concerns of the Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA), First Nations, fishers, and others who have spoken out about environmental and other problems of salmon farming. “We…

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Hundreds call for Fish Farm Moratorium

Continued moratorium on salmon farms needed (Nanaimo, July 22, 1997) – In an unprecedented act of citizen opposition to salmon netcage expansion in British Columbia, hundreds of organizations and individuals today signed on to a letter calling upon Premier Glen Clark and the provincial Cabinet to retain the moratorium on fish farm development until a lengthy list of environmental and…

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Alliance recommends solutions to salmon farming problems

(Vancouver) A new alliance between B.C. First Nations, coastal community individuals, and Environmental organizations has been formed to address the dangers posed by salmon aquaculture operations. On August 26, 1997 the Environmental Assessment Office delivered the results of its Review on Salmon Aquaculture, along with its recommendations to the Ministers. In response to that report, the Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council…

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Alliance supports First Nations’ opposition to Fish Farms

NANAIMO, 28 AUGUST 1997: Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) today endorsed the strong stand taken by First Nations against the possibility of the provincial government lifting a moratorium on the expansion of salmon farming in BC. The final Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) report from the $1 million Salmon Aquaculture Review (SAR) released Tuesday ignored the majority view of participants that the…

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Alliance Condemns DFO’s FishFarm Policy

(Vancouver, BC, 27 June 1999) – . DFO must stop promoting netcage salmon farming when so many wild salmon stocks are in crisis, an alliance of concerned West Coast First Nations and conservation organizations said today. Officials from the federal Department of Fisheries Oceans are expected to advocate more netcage salmon aquaculture at a meeting of provincial fisheries ministers to…

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Land-Based Salmon Farm Applauded

March 5, 2001 Environmental groups are applauding the approval of a land-based salmon farm south of Nanaimo that should have zero impacts on wild salmon and marine mammals. The Georgia Strait Alliance and the T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation have campaigned for years to stop the environmental impacts caused by open netpen salmon farms and to convert the entire industry…

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