Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.

Decisive killer whale court win offers hope for at-risk species

December 7, 2010 Federal Court rules DFO failed to protect B.C. resident killer whale critical habitat VANCOUVER – Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, have won a landmark decision (see below) in the Federal Court which ruled today that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has failed to adequately protect critical habitat of B.C.’s resident killer whales. The win ensures stronger…

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DFO study affirms viability of closed containment technology for salmon aquaculture

For Immediate ReleaseNovember 24, 2010VANCOUVER, BC – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has released a new report that affirms the economic viability of closed containment technology for salmon aquaculture. The department also recommends building a pilot scale or demonstration system as a next step. The Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) is delighted that the federal government is finally recognizing the potential of closed containment technology…

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Elevated lice levels reported in the wake of new published science in Discovery Islands

For Immediate ReleaseNovember 12, 2010CAMPBELL RIVER, BC – New research published this week confirming salmon farms as a major source of sea lice on juvenile salmon migrating through the Discovery Islands comes at the same time CAAR campaigners have discovered salmon farming companies in this region are reporting elevated lice levels on their farms. The Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform…

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New research suggests salmon farms & sea lice are main cause of 7-fold decrease in coho productivity in Broughton Archipelago

For Immediate Release October 7, 2010 VANCOUVER, BC – Two new sea lice papers published online in the Journal of Applied Ecology suggest that sea lice from salmon farms may be dramatically affecting the health of coho salmon populations in the Broughton Archipelago. The first paper, co-sponsored by Watershed Watch Salmon Society, indicates that sea lice transmitted from pink salmon prey…

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Participants in sockeye Judicial Inquiry demand salmon farm companies release critical disease, sea lice & stocking information

For Immediate Release:September 22, 2010VANCOUVER, BC – Two participant groups in the Judicial Inquiry into the decline of Fraser River sockeye – the Conservation and Aquaculture Coalitions – are pressing for critical fish health and stocking records from the salmon farming industry, the Province of B.C. and the Federal Government. The groups maintain that the data are needed by the…

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Feds sued over failure to protect killer whales

Case could determine future of Canada’s at-risk species June 15, 2010 VANCOUVER – Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, are back in Federal Court today after launching a lawsuit against Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) over the protection of B.C.’s resident killer whales. If successful, the case will ensure stronger legal protection for all of Canada’s endangered species. The…

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Minimum Standards with Maximum Loopholes

New federal regulations for sewage would allow decades of continued pollution May 19, 2010  TORONTO – New wastewater regulations proposed by the federal government would allow the continued dumping of raw and undertreated sewage by Canadian municipalities for nearly 30 years, environmental groups report. "Instead of being required to upgrade their wastewater treatment, many cities will be handed up to…

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Funds needed to protect threatened Salish Sea

Provincial budget lacks specific funds to meet ocean health goals March 2, 2010 Victoria, BC – Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) is voicing its concern that today’s budget lacked a funding commitment to meet the province’s stated goal of being a global leader on ocean health.  Without funds to develop and implement its ocean and coastal strategy, the province risks being…

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BC Government “Muk Muks” up

Confidential government document reveals BC ignoring science, failing to protect Muk Muk’s home February 11, 2010 Vancouver, BC -Environmental groups today issued a letter that puts the governments of British Columbia and Canada on legal notice that recovery strategies for 43 endangered and threatened species in BC must immediately be rewritten.  The recovery strategies failed to identify known critical habitat–the…

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