Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.

Salmon certification standards too weak to protect wild salmon

June 14, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The salmon farm performance standards that form the basis of the WWF initiated Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification process announced yesterday do not adequately protect wild salmon and the environment, according to the Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR). After seven years of hard work by numerous stakeholders CAAR has concluded that closed containment salmon…

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CAAR opposes planned open net cage salmon production increases

April 17, 2012 VANCOUVER – The Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) is vehemently opposing plans by Marine Harvest to increase production on salmon farms directly in the path of out-migrating juvenile salmon. In an April 17, 2012 letter to DFO’s Regional Director General, CAAR demanded that any amendments to aquaculture licenses to increase production levels of farmed salmon in…

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Naval Gazing: Military must address activities in killer whale critical habitat

March 21, 2012 VANCOUVER – Eight conservation organizations working to protect marine wildlife on Canada’s Pacific coast are urging the Canadian Navy to exclude military training exercises from the critical habitat of southern resident killer whales.  This population of killer whales is listed as endangered under Canada’s Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the legal obligation to protect their critical…

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Georgia Strait Alliance says salmon farmers agreement no reprieve for wild salmon

March 9, 2012 Nanaimo, BC – The recent announcement by BC Salmon Farmers Association of an agreement between the three largest salmon farming companies to coordinate production of their operations through the northern portion of the Wild Salmon Narrows falls far short of solving the problems created by open net cage farming. Georgia Strait Alliance has been calling for the…

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Fish Pathogen and Pest Treatment Regulations – Discussion Document

The proposed regulatory framework for Fish Pathogen and Pest Treatment states its intent is to ensure that all drugs and pest control products satisfy an environmental risk assessment prior to deposit in water frequented by fish. While the discussion paper covers broad objectives and the streamlining of related regulations, it fails to address the requirements of toxicity testing necessitated by…

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Final Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue standards won’t solve threat to wild salmon

CAAR sees advances but urges closed containment February 7, 2012VANCOUVER—Although the final draft Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue (SAD) standard pushes improved performance in the net cage industry, it does not adequately protect wild salmon and the environment, according to the Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR). After seven years of hard work by numerous stakeholders, including the international salmon aquaculture industry,…

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Appeal court decision affirms protection for killer whales

Environmental groups celebrate victory after federal government ordered to pay costs of failed appeal Feb. 9, 2012 VANCOUVER – The federal Court of Appeal has upheld a precedent-setting ruling that confirmed the federal government is legally bound to protect killer whale habitat, according to a judgment released today. In its judgment, the Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed nearly all aspects…

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Environmental groups back in court to defend killer whale ruling

Federal government seeks to reverse parts of 2010 decision on critical habitat protection November 30, 2011 VANCOUVER – Ecojustice will appear before the federal Court of Appeal today to defend a precedent-setting ruling that confirmed the federal government is legally bound to protect killer whale habitat. Ottawa has since appealed the ruling. Ecojustice, representing a coalition of nine environmental groups,…

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Urgent action required to identify and contain spread of Infectious Salmon Anemia

November 10, 2011 Wild salmon advocates are demanding the Governments of Canada and British Columbia take urgent action to discover the extent of the presence of Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAv) in wild salmon, herring and trout in BC waters.  The response given at a press conference held by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, BC and Canada, Monday, November 8…

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Sharing the bounty: orca’s stake in salmon protection

Research shows need for restoring salmon population key to orca recovery November 9, 2011 VANCOUVER – In a paper published today in PLoS ONE, researchers reveal the energetic needs of killer whales for Chinook salmon in the Salish Sea. This important information underscores how recovery planning for both species needs to factor in just how many salmon the killer whales…

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