Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.

Georgia Strait Alliance Welcomes Snuneymuxw Chief Doug White to Advisory Council

NANAIMO BC – The Board of Directors of Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) is honoured to announce the addition of Snuneymuxw First Nation Chief Douglas White III (Kwulasultun) to its Advisory Council. “As we strive to protect and restore the Strait of Georgia, GSA seeks to engage with the First Nations whose territory is affected by those efforts,” says Board President…

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Canadian and US environmental groups unite against Salish Sea fossil fuel exports

New joint campaign launches with cross-border town hall meeting 

August 21, 2013 VICTORIA – A coalition of environmental groups will hold simultaneous town hall meetings today on either side of a tar sands and coal shipping route that follows the Canada/US border. The events – near Victoria, BC and on San Juan Island, WA – mark the launch of a new joint campaign by the Wilderness Committee and Georgia…

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BC government won’t issue new or expanded licences in Discovery Islands

CAAR congratulates BC government for ceasing issuance of new open net-cage aquaculture tenures. Now it’s time for the federal government to step up. March 22, 2013 VANCOUVER – Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) member groups are pleased at the announcement today that the province will not issue any new or expanded tenures for net-cage salmon farms in the Discovery…

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Conservation Organizations Question Closed Containment Salmon Farming Report

March 7, 2013 OTTAWA – Wild salmon advocates from Canada’s east and west coasts are in Ottawa today, and welcome the tabling of the long-awaited Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee Report on Closed Containment technology.  The report has the potential to help foster change in Canada’s salmon aquaculture industry and offer much-needed protection for Canada’s wild salmon, coastal fisheries and…

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TransMountain Pipeline Proposal leaves Taxpayers Liable for 90% of Spill Response Cost

Kinder Morgan proposal increases risk of major oil spill without adequate insurance, report warns January 24, 2013 VANCOUVER:  A report released today by four environmental groups warns that Kinder Morgan’s new Trans Mountain Pipeline proposal represents an exponential increase in the risk of a major marine-based oil spill affecting the Salish Sea’s most populous region, including the Cities of Vancouver…

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CAAR calls for full implementation of Cohen recommendations

October 31, 2012 Vancouver, B.C.— The Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) applauds Commissioner Cohen’s finding that the potential harm from diseases from farmed fish is “serious or irreversible.” Cohen released his extensive report and recommendations to the public today in Vancouver. “We also agree with Commissioner Cohen’s finding that DFO has a conflicted mandate in being responsible to protect…

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Cohen Inquiry recommendations lay groundwork for salmon recovery

Report condemns gov't policy inaction, highlights risks from salmon farms

October 31, 2012 VANCOUVER BC – The recommendations of the Cohen Inquiry into the Decline of Fraser River Sockeye released today make clear that though there was no ‘smoking gun’, there are multiple threats that need to be addressed to ensure the long-term health of the Fraser River sockeye. In 75 broad ranging and specific recommendations, Commissioner Cohen gave the…

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DFO approves new open net-pen salmon farm in Clayoquot Sound despite ongoing concerns about disease and pathogens

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | October 12, 2012 Vancouver, B.C.— The Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) is appalled to learn that on October 10, DFO quietly issued a new aquaculture licence to Mainstream Canada for another open net-pen salmon farm in Clayoquot Sound. The new site is located in Fortune Channel near Plover Point on Meares Island. “DFO calls this new…

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New Canadian ‘Organic’ Aquaculture Standard Fails to Meet True Organic Principles

May 9, 2012 VANCOUVER, BC – East and West Coast conservation organisations today expressed united concern over the undermining of the Canadian ‘organic’ label by a new organic standard that would allow net-pen aquaculture products to be certified. By including open-net pen finfish in to the organic aquaculture standard, the standard fails miserably at one of its claimed principles, to…

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