Georgia Strait Alliance joins other groups in asking the BC government to ban the use of all lawn and garden pesticides. Please read our statement here. Dozens of BC communities have already banned local use, and opinion polls show British Columbians don’t believe the health and environmental risks posed by chemical pesticides for non-essential, “cosmetic” uses are worth taking. Thanks to…
Read more »Press Category: Environmental policy & regulation
Legal Victory for Endangered Species Across Canada
Court ruling means Department of Fisheries and Oceans must overhaul recovery plans September 10, 2009 Vancouver, BC – A precedent-setting legal victory for endangered species may put an end to years of unlawful action by the Government of Canada. In a September 9 ruling, the Federal Court admonished the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for failing to identify the habitat…
Read more »Municipal Leaders Applauded for Demonstrating Environmental Leadership
October 1, 2008 Vancouver, BC – A coalition of 14 leading British Columbia environmental organizations are applauding the passage of several important environmental protection resolutions at last week’s Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) convention in Penticton. Key among these resolutions was a call for a moratorium on coal bed methane development in BC’s Sacred Headwaters, and a ban on Liquefied…
Read more »Groups join battle to get polluters to clean up their act
August 10, 2004 MEDIA RELEASE – For Immediate Release VANCOUVER, BC – A coalition of environmental groups announced today that they are seeking to intervene in a precedent setting case to be heard by the Supreme Court of Canada concerning the clean up of one of BC’s most severely contaminated sites. Although the province ordered several parties to participate in…
Read more »Canada’s top court hears landmark legal battle over toxic site
Intervenors argue court should uphold polluter pays principle January 20, 2005 MEDIA RELEASE OTTAWA – On behalf of a coalition of environmental groups, Sierra Legal Defence Fund lawyers will be in the Supreme Court of Canada today intervening in a landmark case that could impact how the estimated 30,000 contaminated sites across the country are dealt with. The groups are…
Read more »Top court slams door on polluter pays loophole
Environmentalists hail unanimous decision in BC Hydro contaminated site case January 21, 2005 OTTAWA – In an unexpectedly quick decision from Canada’s top court, the Supreme Court of Canada today closed a legal gap that would have allowed BC Hydro to escape liability for cleaning up one of BC most severely contaminated sites. Environmentalists are hailing the decision as a…
Read more »Conservation groups demand withdrawal of Bill C-45
Proposed legislation is flawed, short of expectations February 13, 2007 VANCOUVER – Conservation groups across Canada are calling on the Conservative government to withdraw a proposed new Fisheries Act for Canada, Bill C-45, from further discussion in Parliament. The groups say that the proposed Bill is flawed and fails to adequately mandate protection for Canada’s marine and freshwater environments or…
Read more »Canadian ENGO Position on Bill C-45: A Proposal to Amend Canada’s Fisheries Act
Canadian Environmental Organizations Call for the Withdrawal of Bill C-45Media Backgrounder – February 13, 2007Background:Canada’s Fisheries Act was written in 1868 as the first piece of legislation after the BNA Act, giving Canada its sovereignty. The Act has many weaknesses and is in dire need of updating. Despite its shortcomings, however, it has been one of the few pieces of…
Read more »BC government’s misuse of science condemned
NANAIMO, 21 APRIL 2002: The BC government’s misuse of science was condemned today in an open letter to Minister of Water, Land, and Air Protection Joyce Murray. The letter was signed by well over 100 organizations, scientists, and concerned individuals, including representatives from labour, environmental, First Nations, and social justice groups. “The government is manipulating science, even silencing scientists, to…
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