B.C. strengthens Climate Accountability Act

Increased accountability measures, but targets don’t align with the best climate science

Today the B.C. government has introduced significant changes to the Climate Change Accountability Act, an important series of reforms to the way we fight climate change in B.C. “B.C. is establishing strong planning and reporting requirements for its actions to fight climate change,” said Andrew Radzik, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Energy Campaigner. “These will demonstrate in detail what is being done…

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Vancouver votes to demand accountability from global fossil fuel companies

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay. Today, Vancouver City Council voted 7-4 to take a series of actions demanding that global fossil fuel companies share in the climate change costs incurred by the City.  Vancouver becomes the 24th community in B.C. to take such action to ensure that their costs are shared with international fossil fuel…

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Federal govt chooses Trans Mountain over climate action, orcas, coastal communities

Image by TheoRivierenlaan from Pixabay. In response to today’s decision by the federal government to approve the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Executive Director Christianne Wilhelmson said: “Today’s decision isn’t surprising, unfortunately. Federal approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion prioritizes fossil fuel products, which we know are destabilizing our climate as…

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Georgia Strait Alliance responds to NEB report

In response to the National Energy Board’s report that recommends the federal Cabinet allow the Trans Mountain expansion project to go ahead, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Executive Director Christianne Wilhelmson, said: The National Energy Board’s rubber stamp is not a surprise, but it’s still disappointing. The NEB’s recommendation relies on spill planning that’s based on an unscientific hope that diluted bitumen…

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Georgia Strait Alliance responds to CleanBC in the provincial budget

In response to CleanBC details in Budget 2019, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Community Organizer Anna Barford, said: “We were very glad to see that this budget supports the measures outlined in CleanBC to reach 75 percent of our pre-Paris 2030 target. This budget includes funded measures that are very exciting, including: investments that support transitioning Indigenous and remote, communities from using diesel, expansion…

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B.C. climate plan offers new climate accountability actions

Climate oversight a game-changer in keeping B.C. on track, say environmental groups

A group of environmental organizations is highlighting the critical, new role given to the Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council under the CleanBC plan, providing improved governance and better oversight of British Columbia’s new climate action plan. If implemented, this will be the first time that an advisory council is mandated under the Climate Change Accountability Act. Ecojustice, Georgia Strait…

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Georgia Strait Alliance reacts to Province’s Climate Plan

The Plan includes stronger governance on climate accountability

Today, the Province of BC unveiled its most robust plan ever to tackle climate change, incorporated into a Clean BC Plan. The strategy includes fully funded commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across multiple sectors and, notably, it includes legislation for climate accountability. The plan supports and makes mandatory for the provincial government to achieve 75 percent of the pre-Paris…

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