Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.
Georgia Strait Alliance responds to B.C. Court of Appeal decision on the transport of heavy oils
Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay. Today, the B.C. Court of Appeal ruled unanimously that the Province does not have the jurisdiction to regulate the transport of heavy oils through its territory. The provincial government had argued that it should be allowed to use its environmental laws to restrict the transport of bitumen via pipeline, however,…
Read more »Terminal 2 expansion threatens orcas, salmon and climate action
Photo: Rachael Merrett-GSA. Orca sharing salmon. Tomorrow, conservation groups will present three main concerns with the proposed Terminal 2 expansion at Roberts Bank in Delta to the federal review panel. Groups will raise concerns about the effects of underwater noise and pollution on marine mammals, fish and fish habitat, and greenhouse gas emissions. The David Suzuki…
Read more »Canada’s recovery measures for endangered killer whales a positive step: conservation groups
Photo: Rachael Merrett-GSA. Orca spyhopping. A coalition of six conservation groups commend the federal government’s new measures to support Southern Resident killer whale recovery. The measures are the boldest yet: greater whale-watching restrictions, expanded voluntary slow downs for international shipping and the creation of no-vessel zones in feeding areas. However, important feeding areas protected from fishing…
Read more »New legislation to prop up LNG industry is 5 x the budget of provincial climate plan
photo: alexlmx / In a counter-productive move, the Province of BC increases subsidies to the fossil fuel industry in what amounts to five times more than the investment in the new CleanBC climate plan. In response to legislation passed this week that provides these subsidies to the LNG industry in British Columbia, in the form…
Read more »West Vancouver Yacht Club Awarded Five-Anchor Eco-Rating Certification
Fisherman’s Cove earns the program's highest eco rating
Left to right: Vice Commodore – Doug Wall, Clean Marine BC Coordinator – Michelle Young, General Manager – David Martin, Mayor of West Vancouver – Mary-Ann Booth, Board Member at Large and Communications Coordinator – Len Kelsey, Past Commodore – Phil Aldrich. Photo by Anita Noon We are pleased to report that following an independent certification…
Read more »Twenty local governments ask 20 fossil fuel companies to pay a share of local climate costs
BC environmental organizations are celebrating that 20 communities have now voted to send letters to 20 fossil fuel companies. The groups say BC local governments increasingly see clearly their costs associated with climate change, and the need for global fossil fuel giants like Chevron and Shell to pay a share of those costs.The City of Courtenay, on northern Vancouver Island,…
Read more »Georgia Strait Alliance responds to NEB report
In response to the National Energy Board’s report that recommends the federal Cabinet allow the Trans Mountain expansion project to go ahead, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Executive Director Christianne Wilhelmson, said: The National Energy Board’s rubber stamp is not a surprise, but it’s still disappointing. The NEB’s recommendation relies on spill planning that’s based on an unscientific hope that diluted bitumen…
Read more »Georgia Strait Alliance responds to CleanBC in the provincial budget
In response to CleanBC details in Budget 2019, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Community Organizer Anna Barford, said: “We were very glad to see that this budget supports the measures outlined in CleanBC to reach 75 percent of our pre-Paris 2030 target. This budget includes funded measures that are very exciting, including: investments that support transitioning Indigenous and remote, communities from using diesel, expansion…
Read more »Eco-certification arrives to marinas in Central Vancouver Island
Georgia Strait Alliance’s Clean Marine BC visits boating facilities from Sayward to Nanaimo
The Clean Marine BC program, an eco-certification program run by Georgia Strait Alliance, begins a ten-day tour of marinas in Central Vancouver Island on December 10 as a boots-on-the-ground invitation for boating facilities to participate in the program. Georgia Strait Alliance is encouraging boating facilities in this region to participate in this program that works with recreational boating facilities to…
Read more »B.C. climate plan offers new climate accountability actions
Climate oversight a game-changer in keeping B.C. on track, say environmental groups
A group of environmental organizations is highlighting the critical, new role given to the Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council under the CleanBC plan, providing improved governance and better oversight of British Columbia’s new climate action plan. If implemented, this will be the first time that an advisory council is mandated under the Climate Change Accountability Act. Ecojustice, Georgia Strait…
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