Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.
Court case challenges federal failure to protect Nooksack dace: Backgrounder
Aug 22, 2007 Sierra Legal on behalf of the Wilderness Committee, Environmental Defence, and Georgia Strait Alliance, last week started a court case in Federal Court against the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans’ decision to release the National Recovery Strategy for the Nooksack Dace without including the location of its critical habitat. The following provides background to this case. Background…
Read more »Groups sue minister for failing to protect endangered fish
Scientists say feds ignored evidence to avoid protecting habitat AUGUST 23, 2007 VANCOUVER, BC – Environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against the federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans for refusing to identify critical habitat – contrary to scientific advice – and, thus, gravely weakening the recovery strategy for the Nooksack dace, an endangered fish that lives in small streams…
Read more »Greater Vancouver, BC, face trial over Lions Gate sewage pollution
Federal government to tell court on August 16 if it will back prosecution July 17, 2007 NORTH VANCOUVER, BC – Provincial Court trial dates have been set for June 2008 to hear a charge that effluent from the Lions Gate sewage treatment plant in West Vancouver is polluting coastal waters and violating federal environmental law. The charge against the GVRD…
Read more »Canadian Military Interferes with Killer Whale Recovery Strategy
Federal Government could face lawsuit over further delays May 23, 2007 VANCOUVER, BC – After nearly a year of unlawful delays, the latest caused by the Canadian military, environmental groups issued a warning to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) today to release the Recovery Strategy for BC’s famous resident killer whales, or face a lawsuit. The Southern Resident Killer Whales…
Read more »Groups Call for Government Action on Aquaculture Committee’s Key Recommendations
New Poll shows British Columbians’ support closed, contained salmon farms May 16, 2007 VANCOUVER, BC – The Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform (CAAR) today applauded the key recommendations of the Special Legislative Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture and called on the provincial government to act immediately to implement the changes required. CAAR also released a poll showing 80.7 per cent of…
Read more »Ecological footprint of farmed and caught salmon
Hon John van Dongen 17 July 2001 Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Room #137 Parliament Buildings (Provincial Legislature) Victoria, BC V6V 1X4 Dear Mr van Dongen:Re: Moratorium on Net-Pen Salmon FarmsI am writing in response to the announcement that you are preparing to lift the moratorium on the construction of more net-pen salmon farms in British Columbia. My concern…
Read more »Group says polluting salmon farms should be charged
August 29, 2001 VANCOUVER — The T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation says polluting salmon farms should face prosecutions and fines like other polluters. A newly released document from the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection shows that 47 percent of all salmon farm sites had potential or probable impacts to marine life on the seabed. Most of these sites…
Read more »Greening up that Sheen
by Sarah Verstegen from Strait Talk, Summer 2004 In mid May I received the first call of the season for a holding tank pump-out by Pumpty Dumpty, the pump-out boat serving Saanich Inlet. Since I was on my way out of town, heading to Ladysmith for GSA’s annual general meeting, I forwarded the request. The volunteer crew from Saanich Inlet…
Read more »Species at Risk Act – Backgrounder
The Species at Risk Act (SARA) was first introduced into the House of Commons in February of 2001. The new Act is the result of numerous cross-Canada consultations and built on the policy of previous legislative proposals over a nine-year period. The overall goal of the Species at Risk Act is to prevent wildlife species from becoming extinct or lost…
Read more »Killer Whale recovery strategy release puts lawsuit off — for now
June 26, 2007 VANCOUVER, BC – After a year’s delay and a threat of legal action, the federal government has released the long-awaited recovery strategy for BC’s endangered Southern resident killer whales and threatened Northern resident killer whales. Environmentalists, who prompted the recovery strategy’s release by threatening a lawsuit, offered cautious praise. They noted that the most essential component of…
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