Please direct all media inquiries to Allison Murray, Communications Associate, at allison [at] | 604-442-1846.

Clean Marine BC recognized by Environmental Managers Association of BC

Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) is happy to announce that its Clean Marine BC (CMBC) program was presented with the President’s Award at the Environmental Managers Association of British Columbia’s (EMA of BC) annual general meeting on June 18th. This prestigious award recognizes superior environmental stewardship by an individual or organization in the community. EMA of BC’s President, Carlos de Ponte,…

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Ladysmith Maritime Society newly accredited as one of BC’s Clean Marinas

Ladysmith Maritime Society Marina (LMSM) is BC’s latest marina to be certified under Georgia Strait Alliance’s (GSA) Clean Marine BC (CMBC) program for their environmental best practices. The designation recognizes industry leading marinas, harbour authorities, yacht clubs, and boatyards that meet GSA’s rigid environmental standards. “We couldn’t be more thrilled to recognize Ladysmith Maritime Society Marina with Clean Marine BC…

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Four more BC marinas flying Clean Marine BC flag for envt’l best practices

British Columbia marinas have a reason to celebrate this National Marina Day. Four more marinas have achieved certification under Georgia Strait Alliance’s (GSA) Clean Marine BC (CMBC) program for their environmental best practices: Cedar Grove Marina in Sidney, Ladysmith Maritime Society Community Marina, Okeover Harbour Authority, and Vancouver Marina in Richmond. The designation recognizes industry leading marinas that meet GSA’s…

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BC’S local coastal governments hamstrung in oil spill response capability

British Columbia’s local coastal governments need to do more to prepare for a marine oil spill affecting their community, but will struggle to do so until communication from senior spill response agencies improves. This is the major finding of a new report released by Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) that assesses the marine oil spill preparedness, response, and recovery capability of…

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Feds kill proposed derelict vessel bill

A BC MP’s proposed legislation giving the Coast Guard the regulatory power it needs to take action against derelict and abandoned vessels in B.C.’s coastal waters was rejected today by the federal government. Bill C-638, an Act to Amend the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (Wrecks), was introduced in the House as a Private Member’s bill by MP for Nanaimo-Cowichan, Jean…

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New website kicks off next 25 years

Protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainability of Georgia Strait and its marine environment has been the mission of Georgia Strait Alliance for 25 years. As the non-profit environmental organization celebrates the quarter century milestone, they’re not taking a break from the job – they’re kicking off the occasion with a brand new website. Christianne Wilhelmson, Executive Director of Georgia Strait…

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GSA reacts to fuel oil spill in English Bay

VANCOUVER – Emergency crews are responding this morning to a spill of toxic heavy bunker fuel in Burrard Inlet, and reports are coming in of an oily sheen washing ashore on the beach in English Bay. Reacting to the accident, Georgia Strait Alliance’s Executive Director, Christianne Wilhelmson, said: “With a toxic substance like heavy bunker fuel, even a relatively small…

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A Good Boater is a Green Boater

10 tips for saving fuel, money and the Georgia Strait January 18, 2015 Vancouver, B.C. – For a boater, there is nothing better than being on the water for a day of fun and relaxation. With over 350,000 boats in the Strait of Georgia, boaters have a responsibility to help ensure the health of the Strait by minimizing impacts to…

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Proposed Changes to Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations

(Note: the plans to weaken boater sewage regulations have since been cancelled)

The Honourable Lisa Raitt Minister of Transport Tower C – 330 Sparks St. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5 Via e-mail: Dear Minister Raitt: Re: Proposed Changes to Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations Georgia Strait Alliance (GSA) is a non-profit citizens’ organization that works to protect and restore the marine environment and promote the sustainability of the Strait of Georgia,…

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Loss of newborn orca devastating to southern resident population

Georgia Strait Alliance responds to news of likely orca death October 2014 VANCOUVER – With the news this week that 7 week old newborn southern resident orca L120 has not been seen with its mother in many days and is presumed dead, the reality of the stresses on orca populations and the increasing challenges to their survival have been further…

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