Environmental groups back in court to defend killer whale ruling

Federal government seeks to reverse parts of 2010 decision on critical habitat protection November 30, 2011 VANCOUVER – Ecojustice will appear before the federal Court of Appeal today to defend a precedent-setting ruling that confirmed the federal government is legally bound to protect killer whale habitat. Ottawa has since appealed the ruling. Ecojustice, representing a coalition of nine environmental groups,…

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Sharing the bounty: orca’s stake in salmon protection

Research shows need for restoring salmon population key to orca recovery November 9, 2011 VANCOUVER – In a paper published today in PLoS ONE, researchers reveal the energetic needs of killer whales for Chinook salmon in the Salish Sea. This important information underscores how recovery planning for both species needs to factor in just how many salmon the killer whales…

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Salmon Inquiry shows need for government overhaul

Conservation groups say focus must be salmon, not industry October 18, 2011 VANCOUVER – The federal government must re-prioritize science and conserving salmon rather than surrendering to short-term industry interests, according to recommendations made by conservation groups to a national inquiry into the decline of Fraser sockeye. The recommendations were submitted on October 17 by the Conservation Coalition, which was…

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Big step taken in protecting the Strait of Georgia

Ministers’ announcement milestone in creating Conservation Area for Southern Strait October 13, 2011  Vancouver – Today’s announcement of an agreement between the Federal and BC Provincial governments regarding seabed rights in the proposed National Marine Conservation Area in the Southern Strait of Georgia was greeted by enthusiastic support by the Georgia Strait Alliance. The announcement by Minister Kent and Minister…

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Federal Court awards costs on orca protection case

Fisheries on the hook for $80,000 in legal costs

by Mark Hume The Federal Court of Canada has stuck the Department of Fisheries and Oceans with an $80,000 legal bill because, in a court battle over orca habitat, the government “displayed reprehensible, scandalous or improper conduct that is deserving of reproof or rebuke.” DevonPage, executive director of Ecojustice, a not-for-profit legal foundation, said the decision “is exceptional” and its…

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DFO seeks to undo important precedent for at-risk species

January 17, 2010 Environmental groups headed back to court to uphold killer whale victory   VANCOUVER – Environmental groups vowed today to fight the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ (DFO) appeal of a decisive and precedent-setting Federal Court ruling that declared that  DFO must protect critical habitat of killer whales and other aquatic species. DFO seeks to overturn the decision…

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Decisive killer whale court win offers hope for at-risk species

December 7, 2010 Federal Court rules DFO failed to protect B.C. resident killer whale critical habitat VANCOUVER – Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, have won a landmark decision (see below) in the Federal Court which ruled today that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has failed to adequately protect critical habitat of B.C.’s resident killer whales. The win ensures stronger…

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Feds sued over failure to protect killer whales

Case could determine future of Canada’s at-risk species June 15, 2010 VANCOUVER – Conservation groups, represented by Ecojustice, are back in Federal Court today after launching a lawsuit against Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) over the protection of B.C.’s resident killer whales. If successful, the case will ensure stronger legal protection for all of Canada’s endangered species. The…

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BC Government “Muk Muks” up

Confidential government document reveals BC ignoring science, failing to protect Muk Muk’s home February 11, 2010 Vancouver, BC -Environmental groups today issued a letter that puts the governments of British Columbia and Canada on legal notice that recovery strategies for 43 endangered and threatened species in BC must immediately be rewritten.  The recovery strategies failed to identify known critical habitat–the…

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