We know our coast matters

Let’s tell the National Energy Board Trans Mountain isn’t worth the risk

After having project approvals quashed by a federal court, the Trans Mountain tanker-and-pipeline project is being reconsidered by the National Energy Board. They are specifically re-examining the impact of tanker traffic on the Salish Sea and southern resident orca.

It is vital that everyone who loves this coast and is concerned about this project makes their voice heard in this process. And that’s not going to be easy. Whether or not they intend it, the National Energy Board’s process is designed to leave the public out. The timelines are short – you have only until November 20th to submit comments. The public comment period has not been widely publicized, and very few of us have fax machines in our homes. So to help, we’ve provided this click-to-fax tool for you to make your voice heard.

We’ve provided some points to consider (below the form), but a letter in your own words will have the most powerful impact. You don’t need to be a scientist or an expert. Your concerns about this project and your love of this coast matter. If you are concerned about oil spills in the Salish Sea, if you were moved by Tahlequah carrying her dead newborn for 17 days, if your community relies on the coast for its economy or way of life, you have a perspective that needs to be heard.

The NEB letter of comment period has closed. Sign up for our email list or Facebook page for future opportunities to defend our coast.