Thank you to each of our funders and donors who made the decision to invest in a future where the Salish Sea is healthy and supports communities around the region.
Organizational Donors
Andrews Planet and People Fund held at Vancouver Foundation, Anián, BC Provincial Employees Community Services Fund, Boldt Communications Inc., Bullitt Foundation, CanadaHelps, Canada Revenue Agency, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Citrus Cycles Ltd., Clif Family Foundation, Community Gaming Grants Branch – Ministry of Municipal Affairs, C-Tow Marine Assistance, Daystar Market, Deep Cove Kayak, Denman Island Chocolate Ltd., Dennis and Kathy Meakin Family Foundation, Dolphin Insurance Services Inc., Earnest Ice Cream, Eden Conservation Trust, Electronic Arts, Employment and Social Development Canada, Environmental Careers Organization Canada (ECO Canada), French Rowe Charitable Gift Fund, Glasswaters Foundation, Global Greengrants Fund, Green Tithe Group, Hummingbird Foundation, Mandell Pinder LLP Barristers & Solicitors, Nada Grocery Inc., Natasha Aruliah – JEDI Consulting, Naturbana Properties Ltd., Nature Canada, Orgmatch, Pacific Coast Congress of Harbormasters and Port Managers Inc., Pacific Yachting Magazine, Pacificwest Special Effects Ltd, Patagonia Vancouver, Port of Vancouver, Premier Paddle Boards, Real Estate Foundation of BC, Richard and Winnifred Bocking Family Fund held at Victoria Foundation, Ruby Fund held at Vancouver Foundation, Schein Foundation, Seaflora Skincare, Sitka Foundation, Skipper Otto, Slack Technologies, Squamish Paddling Club, SunCruiser, Sustainable Elements, TELUS Communications Inc., The Beach Club Resort, The Only Animal, Thomas Downie Holdings Ltd., Tru Earth, Tuwanek Hotel and Spa, University Of British Columbia, Vancouver Foundation, Victoria Foundation, Waggoner Cruising Guide.
Individual Donors
Elizabeth Adam, Amy Adams and David Secord, Gareth Ainslie, Patricia Ajello, Janet Alderton, Jessica Alford, Petra Allen, James Alton, Lynne Marie Alton, Gary and Maureen Anaka, Andrea Carol Anderson, Brian and Dianne Anderson, Frank and Gillian Anderson, Margaret Ann Anderson, Michele Anderson, Ruth Anderson, Danny Andrucko, Barry Andruschak, Saul and Penny Arbess, P. Gail Armitage, Harvey Armstrong, Sheila Asdal, Dave, Monica and Trevor Ashwell, Patricia Badcock, Ian and Gwen Bailey, Richard Bak, Jane K. Baker, Joyce Baker, David Balser, Derek Bammis, Nancy Barker, Rebecca Bauer, Lea Bayliss, Patty Beatty, Michele Beaudry, Gary Berkeley, Robert Berley, Lorne Berman, Christine and Bix Bickson, Karin and Alain Boisclair-Joly, Lesli Boldt, Kenneth and Joan Bond, Cathy Booler, Linda Booler, Sandra Booth, Roy Borthwick, Catherine Boshaw, Elisabeth Bosher, Dan Bowditch, Peter Bowen-Roberts, Nola Bowling, James Boyde, Harley Rothstein and Eleanor Boyle, Jim Bradshaw, Ruth Brady, David Brailey, Bruce Brandhorst and Elaine Golds, Bob Brant, Mariposa Bressey, Michèle Breton, Priscilla Brewer, Nikola Brockamp, Elizabeth Brooks, Yvonne Brosz-Defoor, Alice Brown, David Brown, Hamilton Brown, Madison Brown, Valerie Brown, Lynette Browne, Ross Brownlee, Alana Buchanan, Russell Buchanan, Joleen Buchsbaum, Steven Bull, Denise Bullock, Randy Burke, Laurie Bylok, Sharon and Gary Bywater, Gavin Caldwell, Aaron Cambrin, Annabelle Cameron, Sadie Caron, Ralph Cartar, Sharon Casavant, John Cashore, Anne Casselman, Doug and Michele Catley, Steve and Joan Cellik, Janey Chang, Claude and Caroline Charland, Coralie Charland, Barbara Charron, Trudy Chatwin, Jody Cherry, Esther Chetner Family Fund, Andrew Chisholm, John Chislett, Glen Christensen, Lorne Christensen, Liz Ciocea, Laurel Circle, Ellen M. Clancy, Denise Clarke-Ames, Ann Clayson, Tony Clayton, Tim Clegg, Katie Clogg, Ken Coach, Michelle Coburn, Tricia Coldren, Margaret Cole, Arn Coleman, Jerome Collins, Tim Collins, Joseph Connors, Heather Cooling, Wally and Karen Cooling, Joanne Cooper, Margaret Cooper, Michael Cormack and Jenny Drake, Rosemary Cornell, Donald Cornish, Yvonne and David Court, J.D. Cowling, Pamela Croger, Bogart Cross, Marisa Cruickshank, Gail Cryer, Dave Cuddy, Tara Cullis, Philip Currah, Lorraine Cushing, Leanne D’Antoni, Susanne Daviau, Margaret Davidson and Boswell Malcolm, Angharad Davies, Audra Davies, Noreen Davies, Lawrence Daws, Mark de Bruijn, Krista De Groot and Peter Jacques, Wendy De Trey, Joan DeBella, Olive Dempsey, Ramona Devane, Maureen Devoe, Jane Devonshire, Lawrence Dill. Darcy Dobell, Mary Doherty, Fin and Linda Donnelly, Catherine Douglas, Kathy Doyle, Vanessa Driveness, Dorothy and Mudito Drope, Cathy Dubois, Darien K. Duck, Christopher Duckett, Lorraine Duclos, Josee Duffhues, Corinne Dulberg, Trallee Dun, Marcella Dunbar, Leanne Dunic, Elizabeth Dunn, Deborrah Dunne, Natalie Duronio, Michael and Alison Dyson, Alena Ebeling-Schuld, Rae Eckel, Nelson W. Eddy, Dara Edmonds, Colleen Elderton, Peter Elliott, Glenn Ellis, Todd Elyzen, K.C.Emerson, Randall Enomoto, Victor Epp, Joelle Erickson, Rachel Estioko, Karen and Arthur Etheridge, Norman C. S. Evans, William Evans and Barbara Webster-Evans, Priscilla Ewbank, Karen Fagan, Mitchell Fagan, Janet Fairbanks, Terron Falk, Randy Falkner, Tiel Fang, Arlene Feke, Shanon Fenske, Alexander Ferguson, Sheldon Fernandes, Tracy Ferreira, Sue Fife, Gloria Filax, Danielle Finney, Sally Fisher, June Fitchett, Alison Fitzgerald, Dora Fitzgerald, Maureen Fitzmaurice, Irene Fizzell, Inge Fleet, Kathy Fletcher and Ken Weiner, Mike Fletcher, Stacey Fletcher, Susan and Harold Fletcher, Marian Folinsbee, Rachel Forbes, Robin Fowler, Charlotte and Brianne Fox, Myrna Franke, Janice Franz, Ross and Judy Fraser, Stirling Fraser, Susan French and Tom Rowe, Pierre Friele, Teresa Frymire, Colin Gabelmann, Brenda Gaertner, Michael Galloway, Gaye Gardiner, Ian Gartshore, Regina Gaudet, Penny Gibbs and John Willett, Elan Ross Gibson, Julie and Norman Gleadow, Christopher Glen, Sharon Godkin, Tangachee Goebl, Neil Goldsmith, Cymry Gomery, Barbara Gordon, Karine Gordon-Beaumier, Gerald Graham, Harvey Graham, Joanne and David Graham, Alison Graves, Suzanne Gregory, Lahana Grey, David Grigg, Christine and Gerhard Gross, Jen Groundwater, Thomas Hackney, John Hagen, Paul Hagler and Carol Boliek, Christopher Hakes and Ling Lo, Eileen Hall, Karen Hallett, Kathleen Hamilton, Judith Hammill, Lin Hammill, Bernard P. Hanby, Larry Hannant, Dawn Hanson and Matthew Cooke, Anne Kerr and Jean-Michel Hanssens, Joanne Haramia, Rick and Heather Harbo, David Hardie, Matthew Harding, Gwen Hardy, Madeleine Harned, Judith Harper, Sara Harris, John Harrison, Ken and Beth Harrison, Eric Hartley, Karin Hartner, Miranda Harvey, Elinore Harwood and Gary Cork, Andrea Hawkes, Christopher Head, Paul Hecht, Christina McLeod and Peter Heiberg, Kathy Heise, Bob Helmer, Karen Henderson, May Henderson, Douglas Hensley, William and Karyn Henwood, Lisa Herman, Anthea Hewett, Jane Heyman, John Higginbotham, John Hill, Nikki Hill, Amy Hilton, Mary Ann Hindmarch, Geoff Hoare, Julie Hobart, Joy Hofer, Gertjan Hofman, Greg Holloway, Egon Holzwarth, Theresa Hood, Annette Horton, Daire Houlihan, Ode Howard, Tammy Hudgeon, Lisa Hudson, Becky Hughes, Barbara Huisman, Al and Barbara Hunter, Ann-Marie Hunter, Valerie Hunter and Ian Hall, Jill Ilsley, George Issakidis and Alain Haertig, Nancy Issenman, Murray Jackson, Terrance and Joan James, Marie Janisse, Mary Jansen, Steve Jedreicich, Helen Jones, Deborah C. Jones and Ib Nielsen, Larry Jones, Lucinda Jones, Barbara Jullai, Etsuko K. Andersen, Angela Kasendi, Wendy Kaye, Gideon Keats Hardin, Mary and Greg Keel, Sheila Keighron, David Kell, Danny Kells, Shelby Kelly, Bob Kempa, Tim Kempe, Patrick Kerfoot, A. Hermann Kerr, Alla Kerr, Peter Kerr, Scott Kerr and Nancy Munro, Anne Kessler, Cecelia Keyes, Marilynn King, Carillon Kinley, Kerri Kirincic, Pamela Kirkpatrick, Daniel Kirkpatrick and Lisa Beck, Sherry Kirkvold, Klare Kish, Jessica and Joe Klein, Michael Klein, Aragorn Klockars, Alison Knowles, Angelika Koch, Karen Krout, Lynn Krupa, Ivana Kundel, Pia Kuni, Carol-Ann Kunimoto, Tommy Kuzsel, Juliette and Rick Laing, Niko Laing, Ryan Laing, Cheri Lamb, Eva Lange, Helen Lansdowne, Sandra Larson, Elaine and Michael Laughlin, Charles Law, Donald Lawrence, Deborah Leach, Vanessa LeBourdais, Janice Leclerc, Kim LeDuc, Elizabeth Lee, Susan Leibik, Elaine Leung, Lyndell Levitt, The Late Alan Lewis, Hannah Lewis, Jocelyn Lewis, Wenqian Liao, Walley and Marietta Lightbody, Sally Livingston, Mary Locke, Margot Long, Kyle Loring, Jan Lovewell, Jana Ludwig, Susan Lundahl, Patricia and Munro Mabey, Laurie MacBride and Alan Wilson, The Late Karen Macdonald, The Estate of Carol MacKinnon, Derek Mack-Mumford, Evelyne MacMillan, Halli MacNab, John Edworthy and Heather MacNaughton, Sheila Macpherson, Kat MacVeagh and Ed Gisler, Lisa Mai, Lyn Makepeace, Christine Malaka, Sheila Malcolmson, Louise Mangan and Liz Shorten, The Late Joanne Manley, Jim and Eva Manly, Sheila Mannell, Frank Manuel, Laurel March, Janos and Noni Mate, Lisa Matthaus, Patrice Mauriks, Christine Mauro, Gail Mawhinney, Naomi Mayede, Louise Mayled, Janis Mc Lean, Don McBain, Sheila McConnell, Paul McCulloch, Connie McDonald, Janet McDonald, Kathleen McDonald, Caitlyn McGown, Janet McGuinty, Kim McIlveen, Gillian and Robert McIvor, Lois McKay, Lindsay McLachlan, Sue McLeish, Fred McMechan, Anne McMullin, Deirdre McNeill, Lana Mcqueen, Rob McWilliam, Dennis and Kathy Meakin, Roberta Meilleur, Noelle Melnychuk, Joan Merrifield and Cathy Welch, Heather Mersey, Sharon Meyer, Jorg Michels, Susan Mielke, Donna Mihm, Jane Millen, John Millen, Roy Millen and Ruth Webber, David Miller, Mary Miller, Michelle Miller, Sharon Miller, Birgit Millman, Faye Mogensen, Cheryl Mogg, Jason Mogus, Kevin Monahan, Robyn Monk and Andre Jean Macheu, Dan Moore and Julie Gardner, M. Candace Moore, Prudence Moore, Bob Morgan, Candice Morgan and Ian MacDonald, Nora Morgenstern, Gina Morris, Ian and Gail Munro, A. Murcheson, Anne Murray and Larry Agnew, Christina Musgrove, Nichola Napora, Brian Neill, Desiree Nelson, Jessica Nelson, Monica Nelson, Autumn Netting, Therese Neufeld, Carol Newell, Chris Newman, Anne Ngan, Joan Nicholson and Debra Rooney, Patricia Nordin, Linda Nowlan, April Nugent, Mary Nyquist, Helen O’Brian, Cheryl Onciul, Sharron Onciul, Vicky O’Rourke, Craig Orr, David Osborne, Marie O’Shaughnessy, Thalia Otamendi, Sarah Otto, Jan Padgett, Devon Page, Diana Paige, Michael Papsdorf, Terrence Pardey, Glen Parker, John Pass, Robert Patterson, John Peacey, Jacqueline Pearce, Kathleen Pearson, Ron Peterson and Penny Tilby, Fay Pettapiece, Lucille Phillippe, Celia Pidduck, Lisa Pierce and Heather McLean, Lynda Pilon, Anita Pilon-Wilhelmson, David Pinel, Erica Pinsky, Renée Poisson, Stephen Pond, Glen Porter, Malcolm Pratt, David and Linda Prud’Homme, Carol Ptolemy, Isabel Quinn, Judy Racher and Harold Macy, Andrew Radzik, Karen Rahal, Ellen Rainwalker, Leah Ramsay, Madeleine Ramsay, The Estate of Gayle Ramsden, Bernice Ramsdin, Carol Ranger, Darren Rawson, Cheryl Redquest, Stephen Rees, Thomas Reichhold, Henry Reisner, Marianne Rev, John and Kim Rich, Mary Richardson, Miles Ritter, Anita Kladia Robertsdottir-Lewis, Brian Robertson, Angela Robinson, Steve Robinson, Tennoy Robinson, Phyllis Robson, Lony Rockafella, Katie Rodgers, Sharon and Rudy Rogalsky, Daniel Rogers, Janet and Tio Rogers, Ann Rogers and John Hill, Deborah Roitberg, Anita Romaniuk, Robin Roots, Jack Rosen, David Ross, Leo Routledge, Alan Rowan, Anita Roy, Wendy Roy, Jenny Sagan, Patricia Sandberg, Michael Sato and Amy Nelson, Vandy Savage, Margot Scandrett, Paul and Susan Scanlon, Allison Schein, Leonard Schein and Barb Small, Kathryn and Philip Schneider, Richard Sevenich, Ingrid Severson, Joyce and Peter Sharpe, Monique Shebbeare, Frank and June Shoemaker, Rebecca Shoichet, Patricia and Neil Shuttleworth, Jaap Siekman, Janet Silman, Bill and Hilda Silversides, Neisa Simmons, Ruth and Robert Simons, Courtney Simpson, Deborah Simpson, Beth and Gregory Skala, Catherine Slater and Johnny Dunstan, Michael Smith, Virginia Smith, Daniel Somerfield, Kristin Sonstebo and Ron McMurtrie, Rob Southcott, Alexandra Sowrey, Fiona Spencer, Marie Sprandel, Jean and Michael Stahnke, Ann Stampfl and Robert Pilloud, The Late Michael Steele, Anne Steino, Judith Stevenson, Ellie and Hugh Stewart, Irene Stewart, William and Susan Stewart, Howard Stiff, Lorna Stirling, Bruce Stott, Kristin Street, Vincent Strgar, Margaret Stronge, Kim Stubblefield, Hubertus Surm, Kathleen Sutherland, Jacqueline Sutton, Barbara Swift and Don Ewing, George and Alison Szanto, Mark Taylor, Monika Terfloth, Sarah Thomas, Heidi and Gordon Thompson, Linda and Alan Thomson, Alan Thornett, Diana Tiessen, Susan Todd, Benjamin Tollerene, Kimberley Tom, Lise Townsend, Bob Turner, Kira Van Deusen, Nancy Van Imschoot-Brown, Jay Van Oostdam, Kathleen Vance, Elizabeth Vander Zaag, Jennie Vanderneut, Christine and Farrell Vanderree, Christine VanDerwill, Pamela and Andrew Vest, Glenn Vockeroth, Caroline von Westarp, Carole Waddell, Catherine Waddell, Michael Waites, Ruth Wall, Rory Wallace, Bryon Walters, Charlie and Theresa Walters, Phil Watson, Deborah Webb, Margaret Webber, Roger Webber and Joanne Eggen, Bob and Judy Weeden, Amy Weiner, Janet Weiten, June Wells, Robert and Marcie Welsh, Jane Welton, Marti Wendt, Duane West, Nicki Westarp, Stuart Westie, Katherine White, Lesley-Anne White, Scott White, Susan Whitton, Jane Wicksteed, Robert Wild, Christianne Wilhelmson and John Webber, Beverly and Michael Wilkinson, Bruce Wilkinson, Jean and Derek Wilkinson, The Estate of Annie Wilkinson, Rosemary Williams, William Willson, Katie Winchester, George and Monika Winn, Jane Winter, Manfred Winter, Ingrid Witvoet, Duncan Wlodarczak, Marcia Wolter, Shelley Wong, Charlene Wood, Kathleen Woodley, Meredith and Ron Woodward, The Estate of Audrey Anne Woodward, Julian Worker, Alison Wright, Ron Wright, Eileen Wttewaall, Christine Yeomans, Michelle Young, Lorna Zaback, Robert Zacharias and Lisa Lasagna, Amanda Zaikow and Dillon Worthen, Gary Zak, Veronica Zehntner, Anna Zielinski, Sibylle Zilker.