Campaigning 101 Workshop Series

A graphic showing the tile for our Campaigning 101 Workshop Series

Welcome to our Campaigning 101 Workshop Series!

Are you concerned about an issue that is affecting your community and want to do something about it? Are you involved in a community group and want to have a stronger impact? Do you feel the urge to take action, but feel a bit unprepared to do so?

We’ve all been there! Getting started on a campaign, and making our work more effective is hard, and requires that we’re knowledgeable about many things. It often requires lots of practice and time, and there is no cheating! But things can be easier if you take a moment to learn from the experience of others, and to reflect about your own work and build a more strategic and realistic plan. The good news is that you can attend our free Campaigning 101 Workshop Series to learn the basics!

The first round of workshops has just recently closed, but we’re preparing to run the series again this coming Fall. If you’d like to stay informed about when the next session is taking place, please make sure to join our volunteer team and follow us on social media. If, in the meantime, you’d like to get in touch with us, feel free to contact Gil and/or Dana.


Workshop 1 – Storytelling (February 10, 2022)
We launch our Campaigning 101 series by helping you gain skills in telling more engaging and motivating stories of self to encourage others to be invested in a cause. Learn the basic skills and techniques to create compelling narratives for issues that matter to you, ideate effective messaging and communication materials, and focus your efforts to connect and engage with others.

Workshop 2 – Strategy Development (March  10, 2022)
Learn some of the skills and tools required to clearly define the issues we are concerned about, identify and understand the allies that can help us, the targets we need to address and the power dynamics at play, as well as sketching out a plan that sets clear objectives, tactics, and timelines in order to be effective with the resources and skills available.

Workshop 3 – Arts and Design for Change (April 24, 2022)
A day at the museum just got a whole lot more exciting! Our upcoming arts workshop will not only be a great opportunity for you to learn and practice how to turn your creative ideas into engaging visuals, but you will also have the chance to meet and learn from Kwantlen First Nations artist Brandon Gabriel about his work, AND get a free tour of the Vancouver Maritime Museum!

Workshop #4 – Taking Action and Building Community Power (July 24, 2022)
Come learn what Community Organizing is and how to use it to build People Power! Develop skills in recruiting and building a base, and how to take action! We’ll also be practising these skills using the Sue Big Oil campaign.